TUESDAYYYY- now werwe back at the Npms, fun 3 day weekend!
ok so today, tuesday not monday!,we discussed why the earth has seasons, a BIT of a continuation from last week. so we did an experament with a flash light where we made the OpEN door INDIREct and a closed one EDIREct. the flashlight was the sun. and the door was the earth. there is a 23.5 degree tilt on the earth. the tilt on the earth makes the sin's light direct and indirect. when indirect it is cooler, and when direct it is wawrmer.
WeDNESDAy- yayy not TUeSDAY
ok so TODAY we went over SOLTICCES and EQUINOXES. a soltice casuses the longest and shortest days and the equinoxes is when the days and nights are equal. ex- 12hrs day and 12 hrs night.
THURsDay- yayy not WEDNESDAY
ok so today we went over a lot of stuff too. we had a quiz on equinoxes and soltices and whatever the heck we leanred! we also did a simulation during class with the earth and sun. we did this because we were learing about earth and moon revolutions and orbits.
FRIDYYy!- YAYYY (this is today!!!)
ok so today ( and this time thats ACTUALLY today!)
we made a list of things that u have to do in order to orbit. as follows
+2 massive objects
+object has some sort of initial velocity (but it has to be juust right)
+moving too fast, it will just "flyu away"
+moving too slow, crash into earth haha
+distance away makes a difference.
+and mroe!
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