Monday, March 29, 2010


this photo has a picture of a soccer ball in the air with a lot of gravatational potential energy.

Imagine that you can travel back in time and talk to yourself about one of the concepts below. What would you tell yourself about the concepts that who make it easier to learn.

if i could go back in time to explain something to myself, i would explain the concept of constant versus conesrved. i would tell myself that constant means that the energy stays the same amount, but its in a different or the same form. conserved means that the endergy may change and be either more or less, but you can account for it. gravatational potential enegy is when you have a lot of potential for falling, like a ball perched atop a cliff has a lot of gravatational potential enregy. kinetic energy is when you are moving, or like accelartaion and speed, like a runner running on a track.internal energy is heat, or energy inside of an object.

+ What experiment was helpful/might be helpful in constructing this concept.\

think of bar charts- when you have a bar chart that has the same amount of enegy both ways, but the forms are different, its constant.
if the forces are different and some is gone, make sure there is some work done so you can account for that energy.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Doing/ calculating work

if i could go back in time and talk to myself about doing and calculating work i would tell myself that doing work is just moving something or applying a force to the system to make it move or to make the system do what the system is supposed to. i would also tell myself that calculating work is just like algebra. i would say that we use the formula W= FD, and that the work equals force times the displacement. i would also tell myself that if i am given a mass, i can use another formula to find the force to make the equation work.

the experiment that was helpful in understanding these concepts for me were mostly just the homework. going over the homework in class really helped me to understand how to use the formulas.

the picture of a cartoon lifting a weight also applies to the calculating. to calculate the amount of work being done, you would find out how much it weights, and then you could find how much work is being done in joules.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


+ Imagine that you can travel back in time and talk to yourself about one of the concepts below. What would you tell yourself about the concepts that who make it easier to learn.
if i could talk to myself about characteristics of the moon, i would tell myself that it is really easy to memorize. i would explain the directions of which ways the moon has phases, and how to idesntify them. i would tell myself that to determin waxing verus wanning,

+ What experiment was helpful/might be helpful in constructing this concept.
in understanding thsi concept, really the only thing that helps is prating identifying phases. also, the moon simulations we did in c;ass helped.

Friday, January 22, 2010

revOlutIONS aND oUR EArTh


TUESDAYYYY- now werwe back at the Npms, fun 3 day weekend!
ok so today, tuesday not monday!,we discussed why the earth has seasons, a BIT of a continuation from last week. so we did an experament with a flash light where we made the OpEN door INDIREct and a closed one EDIREct. the flashlight was the sun. and the door was the earth. there is a 23.5 degree tilt on the earth. the tilt on the earth makes the sin's light direct and indirect. when indirect it is cooler, and when direct it is wawrmer.

WeDNESDAy- yayy not TUeSDAY
ok so TODAY we went over SOLTICCES and EQUINOXES. a soltice casuses the longest and shortest days and the equinoxes is when the days and nights are equal. ex- 12hrs day and 12 hrs night.

THURsDay- yayy not WEDNESDAY
ok so today we went over a lot of stuff too. we had a quiz on equinoxes and soltices and whatever the heck we leanred! we also did a simulation during class with the earth and sun. we did this because we were learing about earth and moon revolutions and orbits.

FRIDYYy!- YAYYY (this is today!!!)
ok so today ( and this time thats ACTUALLY today!)
we made a list of things that u have to do in order to orbit. as follows
+2 massive objects
+object has some sort of initial velocity (but it has to be juust right)
+moving too fast, it will just "flyu away"
+moving too slow, crash into earth haha
+distance away makes a difference.
+and mroe!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Moon Moon Moon!!!!!!

today we applied force diagrams to the earth sun moon relationship. we learned about tides and how they have to do with the moon! the moon affects tides because of thier gravitational pull, apparently its NOT the magical moon stuff. we learned about 2 force diagrams, and 2 different tide types. here they are!
Neap Tides- moderate or kess extreme tides
Spring Tides- very high high ties and very low low tides. tides are to thier extremes.

on tuesday we andswered some astronomy questions including WHy do we have seasons? this was a very good question. we spent a looooonnnngggg time thinking of hypothesis and we narrowed it down to these
1. tilt causes earth (one hemisphere) to be pointed/angled toword the sun, and one (hemispohere) away from the sun, causing warmer/ clolder wseasons. we have four but not nesesirly everyone does.
2. sunlight is more concentrated based on tilt and position.

we had that honors biolilogy thing......

we went over seasons agaibn!

Monday, January 11, 2010


This week in science we started a new unit. i am so happy that theres nooo more kinimatics and dynamics!!! yayy!!!!

ok so this new unit is moon stuff.

on the first day (MONDAY) we went on a website and we looked at moon simulatioins. we made observations about it. we had to make like ten observations in our notebook. and then we shared them with the class. in the class we disscussed about moon patterns and we got an introduction to the moonphases.

on tuesday, (SECOND DAYY]] we did moon phase stuff. we tried to memorize them...

on wednesday, thursday, we did a lab in the website.

on friday we went over it.