Thursday, October 8, 2009

Light Light Light! particle and waves

This week in science we did a lot of learning. On Monday we were all so tired :( but then we started science and it was like a splash of water on your face! ...kind of. Ok so on Monday we continued with what we started a little last Friday. We put the ruler inside of the beaker of water and observed. Yay observing! We noticed that the ruler appeared to be getting fatter from the side as it entered the water. And from the top of the jar it looked like the ruler was broken. It appeared to be bent although we know it was perfectly whole.
On October 6, 2009, which was a Tuesday, we learned about Huygens, and Newton. One had a particle model and one had a wave model. We made hypotheses using the particle model because we thought it was correct. We made a model where the light goes through the glass using a particle model.
On Wednesday we went in more depth on the whole wave model and particle model. We found out that the particle model isn’t correct but we use it when it works. The wave model is really the one that is correct. We found out how the stuff moves through light as well.
On Thursday we saw how waves work. We made a final hypothesis which was this. When light goes through a more dense material, it moves toward the normal. And when it goes through a less dense material, it moves away from the normal.
Friday- NO SCHOOL!

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